Animation – Production I.G.’s Kazuya Nomura and Tetsuya Okubo, who worked on the anime movie Sengoku Basara: The Last Party, are tagging up for the game’s animated scenes.
Tenka Medals can then be exchanged for one of 167 prizes, ranging from new costumes to special skills.
Medal Soldiers can appear as a result of this roulette, carrying Tenka Medals that are earned upon defeating them. Battle Roulette System – Defeating Roulette Soldiers or Roulette Battalions on the field will trigger a roulette to appear on screen that will affect battlefield conditions.New Playable Warlords – The game will feature new playable warlords including the previously non-playable Ashikaga Yoshiteru and Kyogoku Maria, and the all new Sen no Rikyu.The game will run in full HD 1080p at 60 frames per second. PlayStation 4 series debut – While the game is also on PlayStation 3, this is the first entry in the Sengoku Basara series for PlayStation 4.